/ Price Assessments

Platts American Energy Certificates (US RECs)

What are Platts American Energy Certificates (US RECs)?
Platts American Energy Certificates (US RECs) assessment by S&P Global Commodity Insights is the weekly price for the REC certificates, issued from electricity generated, and delivered to the electric grid, from a renewable energy resource. As others EACs, a REC sells separately from the actual electricity. The REC owner retains exclusive rights to claim "using" or "being powered by" the renewable electricity associated with that REC.
American Energy Certificates commentary

The US Renewable Certificate Market saw prices increase in Texas and Maine in the week ended May 16, while prices in Massachusetts decreased.

Platts assessed the Texas non-Solar REC Front-Half 2024 price up 85.71% on the week to $4.55/MWh.

Maine REC Class 1 V24 prices rose $3 on the week to $39/MWh

The Massachusetts AEC V24 contract significantly decreased on the week, keeping with the trend from the week prior, closing 45 cents lower on the week at $3.15/MWh.

NAR prices saw mixed movements depending on the generation technology. The NAR Any Green-e Eligible REC Back Half V24 contract decreased to $2.42/MWh from $2.85/MWh. Meanwhile, the Solar REC CRS listed V24 increased from $2.75/MWh to $3.57/MWh.

Platts is part of S&P Global Commodity Insights.

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