/ Price Assessments

SAF/HVO prices (PFAD based)

What are SAF/HVO prices (PFAD based)?

The FOB North Asia HVO, or renewable diesel, price is a costbased assessment. The assessment is published on an FOB China basis, and is comprised of a number of existing Platts assessments and other fixed costs. The HVO inputs are FOB China Used Cooking Oil [AUCOC00] and Japan Hydrogen SMR [IGYGC00], added to fixed renewable diesel refinery costs, then deducting the by-product credits to include Propane Refrigerated CFR South China [AABAK00] and Naphtha C+F Korea Cargo [PAADE00].

SAF Cost of Production, is an ex-refinery price based on cost calculations from our Platts Analytics team. The costbased prices for SAF are published on an ex-refinery NWE basis, and is comprised of a number of existing Platts assessments and other fixed costs. The SAF inputs are Used Cooking Oil CIF ARA [AUCOA00] and Hydrogen Netherlands SMR [HXNMA00] added to fixed SAF biorefinery costs, then deducting the by-product credits to include FOB ARA Propane [PMAAS00], Naphtha CIF NWE cargoes.

*This summary (Heards and Prices) will be available for a limited time only.
*If you would like to learn more about gaining access to our range of assessments, please fill in this form.
*If you would like to learn more about our assessments and methodology, please email MRTS_AgricultureandFood@spglobal.com.